Layouts is a WordPress plugin that lets you design responsive layouts for entire pages, from the header down to the footer.
Layouts User Guides include detailed documentation on how Layouts editor works and how you can create Layouts and assign them to specific content, or as templates for all items of a post type.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 991 through 1,005 (of 1,032 total)
Utilize Avada's sticky side header with Layouts and Views. With Layouts and Views deactivated, the sticky header works fine, but breaks upon activation. I have contacted Avada support and received the following reply:
It is a compatibility problem between Toolset plugins and the Avada Sticky Header, it can be fixed with a little CSS codes:
after update an entity all toolsets custom fields of type checkbox are unchecked
There was a issue with checkboxes field with the Toolset plugin version you are using but the official fix is already published with Types 3.0.2 and Views 2.6.2.
I am trying to use Astra Pro and Toolset to display custom content on my site. I want to make a custom sidebar to go along with my custom post type. I'm just trying to display a navigation widget in the sidebar of my custom posts.
I suggest you use Toolset Layouts plugin to setup your custom sidebar.
For example, edit the post in wordpress admin side:
click button "Edit this layout", you will see Theme Options "Sidebar", choose option "No sidebar", then you will get a full width layout, in this layout, add a widget area cell, and display the specific sidebar.