Layouts is a WordPress plugin that lets you design responsive layouts for entire pages, from the header down to the footer.
Layouts User Guides include detailed documentation on how Layouts editor works and how you can create Layouts and assign them to specific content, or as templates for all items of a post type.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 1,726 through 1,740 (of 1,756 total)
1. In this page and in all that I use a toolset layout, the page header change is colour to #ffffff instead #88d0c9 as should be by Divi Theme. You can see if you click other menus.
2. On this page I list the taxonomies associated to that post (associacao). But the hierarchy is not reflected in the way it appears. I would like to show them organized as I made in the sidebar view.
1. Update to the latest versions of Divi and Toolset plugins
2. Create a View of your custom Taxonomy. Add a Query Filter to filter by parent term. Select parent is "None". Then in the Loop Output editor, output the taxonomy title using the [wpv-taxonomy-title] shortcode.
Then create another View of your custom Taxonomy. Add a Query Filter to filter by parent term, and select "Parent is the taxonomy selected by the parent Taxonomy View". Then in the Loop Output editor, output the taxonomy title using the [wpv-taxonomy-title] shortcode.
Next, return to the first View, and add your 2nd View inside the Loop Output just after the [wpv-taxonomy-title] shortcode.
You can add as many nested Views as you need to achieve the hierarchical structure of your taxonomy. A nested unordered list can be used to set up indentation if you'd like.
Finally add a filter to each View: "Taxonomy Term is set by page where this View is inserted". This will limit the terms to only those associated with the post.
Problem: I have a Layout that uses a Grid of Cells to display multiple rows of content. If the content is empty, the row should not appear. As it is now, there is some vertical space where the row is displayed, even without content.
Solution: If you get rid of that empty p tag, the row and its cells have no height and the space collapses. So I can think of two options.
Apply custom CSS that hides all empty paragraph tags in these rows. Add something like this to your Layouts CSS
.row > div > p:empty {
display: none;
Try to suppress the empty paragraph tag by disabling automatic paragraph tags. There are different ways to do this depending on how your Layouts are defined. If the cell contents are created in a Visual Editor cell, you can select "Disable automatic paragraphs" in the Visual Editor cell as shown in the screenshot. If it's in a Content Template cell, you can edit that CT and choose "Manual paragraphs".