Toolset plugins offer a built-in import/export functionality, which allows you to transfer what you have built from one website to another.
In our documentation pages, you can also find information on how to import content of an entire site into WordPress.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to give us some information about the data that you import/export.
Viewing 15 topics - 106 through 120 (of 291 total)
Migrate websites from live site to development site.
I suggest you try to migrate full site(files and databases) from live website to a new development site(different domain name), and do the development work in the dev site, after all things are done, migrate full site from dev site back to original live website.
This will be able to avoid any files or data missing when you importing/exporting the website, and avoid other conflicts(difference in the shortcodes)
Now I would like to know if these additional fields should be present in user profile (in case of "Customer" role) or it should be in Customer under Woocommerce?
For the customer user role, there are lots of custom user fields from Woocommerce plugin, for example: