Toolset plugins offer a built-in import/export functionality, which allows you to transfer what you have built from one website to another.
In our documentation pages, you can also find information on how to import content of an entire site into WordPress.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to give us some information about the data that you import/export.
Viewing 15 topics - 286 through 300 (of 312 total)
The issue here is that the user is unable to update their plugins.
This seems to be a common problem with the toolset 3.0 release installer and as such I would recommend that you perform a manual update by downloading the plugins and uploading them manually.
The issue here is that the user wanted to convert their custom fields to taxonomies.
Unfortunately there isn't an automatic way of doing this and you will need to manually create the taxonomy and re-enter the values from the custom field.
Problem: What Toolset information is stored in the database options table?
Solution: At a very high level, settings for Toolset plugins are stored here, like whether or not you have updated to the new relationships system, installer settings, custom taxonomy lists, custom post type lists, maps options, Views settings preferences, serialized data structures representing checkbox custom field values, layouts settings and options, plugin-specific notifications shown in wp-admin, serialized data structures that represent WooCommerce Views calculated field values, Access custom capabilities, custom roles...and more.