CRED plugin allows you to build forms that create child posts and set parents for these posts, supporting the parent-child relationship functionality from Types plugin.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the structure of your content and the relationship between the content types.
Viewing 15 topics - 466 through 480 (of 484 total)
1) Two post types: "Places list" and "Event", with one-to-many relationship
2) A relationship form for connecting "Places list" and "Event" posts
3) In a single "Event" post, display a post view: query the "Event" posts, in the loop, display the relationship form of above 2)
1 - The loading time of the "Search for a post" select is quite slow.
2 - The list of places are not filtered by "My places" instead I see all the "places" created by everybody.
3 - I see in the list events that are already linked to "My Place"
Since you are display multiple relationship forms in the same page, that might conduct the performance problem in some website with large data or running lots of plugins, see the solution in details here:
The issue is that the user's [cred_child_link_form form='295' parent_id='-1' text='Submit your Homework for this Assignment' target='_blank'] is not auto assigning the parent on the actual form.
The issue here is that the user's form is missing the parent field on the form itself so that the auto assignment could take place.
Please ensure that your form has a field similar to the one below on it .
[cred_field field='@assignment_homework.parent' class='form-control' output='bootstrap' select_text='--- not set ---']
The question was well answered and the project (still in development due to some unavoidable delays) has been progressing. However, I am now getting a message about a line of code in the form which is "legacy".
In the new version of Toolset plugins, we introduced new post type relationship,
If you have migrated the relationships settings to the new relationships( this is recommended), I suggest you follow our document to generate the form content again
If you are still using the legacy relationships, then you can ignore those messages, it should be able compatible with the latest version of Toolset plugins.
Problem: I would like to use two Forms to create posts in the same custom post type. One Form should be in French, and the other Form should be in English. I am considering using two different field groups, one for each language. I am not using a 3rd-party multilingual system or plugin.
Solution: Only create one Form and one Field Group. Use conditional HTML in the body of the Form to hide or show different translations based on the current page ID. Consider adding both languages to the option titles.