Access plugin lets you control what sections different user roles can reach in the WordPress admin and on the front-end. You can create your own custom roles and choose exactly what administration capabilities they have on the site.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the roles that you want to create and the desired capabilities of these roles.
Viewing 14 topics - 196 through 209 (of 209 total)
Problem: I would like to show content dynamically based on the author's role and the current visitor's role. If they are in the same role, the content should be displayed.
Solution: Use Access post groups to display content conditionally based on User role.
Problem: I would like to add Users in a custom role "Members" to the author select field in the post editor screen.
Solution: Add custom code to your child theme's functions.php file:
function wpdocs_add_members_to_dropdown( $query_args, $r ) {
$query_args['role'] = array('member');
// Unset the 'who' as this defaults to the 'author' role
unset( $query_args['who'] );
return $query_args;
add_filter( 'wp_dropdown_users_args', 'wpdocs_add_members_to_dropdown', 10, 2 );
Problem: How can I use Access to restrict content on my site based on a User's purchases? For example, I would like to sell webinars. When the User purchases a webinar product, I would like to give them Access to specific areas of the site.
Solution: Access can restrict permissions based on Post Group or by User Role, but these criteria can be difficult to manage when there are many different products for sale. Conditional HTML may be more effective.
Problem: After activating Yoast SEO, the Access Control settings for post read access are not being respected. Guest Users can view the contents of posts that should be restricted by Access.
Solution: Update to the latest version of Access to receive a fix for this issue.