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Topic Tag: Controlling access to front-end content
Access plugin allows you to limit front-end read access to specific pages, posts or custom types and define who will be able to access that content. It also provides the functionality to set access control for specific blocks inside page content, in order to place texts that are visible to or hidden from certain user types.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us on which content and user types you are trying to apply access control.
Viewing 15 topics - 406 through 420 (of 436 total)
Problem: I would like to add a registration form that allows people to claim ownership of a post. Once an admin approves their ownership, the registrant becomes author of that post.
If I were trying to do something like this, I would follow this process:
- Create a new CPT called Pending Approvals
- Add custom fields to the Pending Approval CPT - user ID, university ID, college ID, and school ID
- Use cred_save_data to create a Pending Approval post whenever someone submits the User Registration form while trying to claim ownership of a University, College or School.
- Save the new User's ID and the appropriate University, College or School ID in the Pending Approval post
- Create a View of Pending Approval posts. In the Loop of results, include a "Delete Post" link that can be used to decline the ownership request. Also include an Edit CRED form that edits the University, College, or School. Hide or remove all the visible inputs from this form except the submit button, and give it a name like "Approve Ownership"
- Use the cred_save_data hook to update the University, College, or School post author when this form is submitted, and trash the Pending Approval post.
- Insert the View of Pending Approval posts in a page that is restricted to site administrators.
The issue here is that the user wanted to setup and automatic parent connection in CRED. This means that when the form is submitted, the parent is automatically assigned. Solution:
Actually this is possible if you were to use the CRED child post link on your Parent page after its created
Take a look at this link below for assistance on how to set this up.
Problem: I would like to use two different roles to limit Access to some posts. If role A is assigned, User can see posts type A. If role B is assigned, User can see posts type B. However if I assign both roles, Access does not allow Users to see both types A and B.
Solution: Access is only designed to support one role per User. In this example, you could use 3 roles to achieve the same effect. Assign only one of the 3 roles to each User:
Role 1: Can Access Type A
Role 2: Can Access Type B
Role 3: Can Access both A and B
Problem: I have a menu that lists several pages. Post Groups are used to manage access to these Pages, and I would like to use those Post Groups to manage the links in the menu as well. If a User does not have access to the Page, I want to hide the link.
Solution: The only way available to restrict access to individual menu items is by User Role, as described below. I have added your vote to a feature request to improve navigation menu listings based on Access restrictions.