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Topic Tag: Controlling access to front-end content
Access plugin allows you to limit front-end read access to specific pages, posts or custom types and define who will be able to access that content. It also provides the functionality to set access control for specific blocks inside page content, in order to place texts that are visible to or hidden from certain user types.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us on which content and user types you are trying to apply access control.
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I used the Access control for the a wordpress page to be appearing for certain roles only (logged in users to BuddyPress), but still appearing for the non-logged in visitors.
You can edit the problem page, in metabox "Post group", Choose one of any existed "Post group", save the page, and test again.
Problem: I would like to redirect Users to a specific Page if they do not have permission to view the requested content.
Solution: Access doesn't redirect to a specific Page, but can display a different template instead. If your site uses Toolset Layouts, you can create a Layout specifically for this. If your site does not use Toolset Layouts, you can use a Content Template instead. Then set up the restrictions in Toolset > Access Controls.
How to prevent guest users from accessing the site?
Access doesn't have a blanket option for the whole of the front end. Maintenance-mode plugins may offer the feature to allow only registered users to visit the site.
With Access you can go to Toolset > Access Control and make sure all of the post types (including pages) are managed by Access and edit those to deny read access to guests. That should cover everything.
You can specify what to display instead, so could create a Content Template that the site is for registered users only and a login form, and display that to people denied access.