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Topic Tag: Controlling access to content editing
Access plugin allows you to control access to content editing for different users. You can set access rules for entire user types or for specific users.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us on which content and user types you are trying to apply access control.
Viewing 15 topics - 106 through 120 (of 163 total)
When my users try to reach a certain Posts Edit form the are presented a message "permission denied".
I am sure the Access settings are not at fault as the issue persists with Just Toolset Forms and no other plugin.
Make sure the ShortCode of Toolset Forms is not malformed, since for example not closing (missing the last bracket for example) ShortCodes will throw the same error "permission denied"
Is it possible to limit the number of posts per type per user?
You should make the current logged in user as the post author to create one teacher profile and one school profile and use the technique given with the shared Doc:
The issue here is that the user wanted to restrict their posts based on the User Role and the Taxonomies attached to the post.
Unfortunately this isn't possible to do with our plugins since a role cant be denied access to a post based on the assigned taxonomy unless there is some custom coding used.
Might I suggest splitting your Posts into 4 different Posts Types? This way you can restrict access to the post type itself.
How can we apply conditionals in a Toolset Form so to hide single form fields depending on other fields values (in the form)?
You can wrap any field in Forms into so called "Conditional Groups".
They will allow you to listen to particular other fields present in the form, inclusive generic fields
To edit such conditions or their content more advanced you need to turn on "Expert Mode" for the editor.