CRED plugin allows you to build front-end forms for creating and editing content. These forms can include all the fields that belong to the content and display them with your HTML styling. CRED forms also support input validation and automatic email notifications.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the structure and the settings of your form.
Viewing 14 topics - 2,641 through 2,654 (of 2,654 total)
CRED form not displaying on frontend for guest users or visitors or for without logged in users
To display CRED form for guest users, You should set permissions for your CRED form from:
=> Toolset -> Access Control
=> click on CRED Forms tab
=> set the permission for your form within "CRED Frontend Access" Group:
=> Save the settings
Problem: I have a CRED Commerce form that includes a select field where Users can choose a custom variation option. I would like to use that custom variation option to determine which product should be added to the User's cart.
Solution: First you need to modify the generic select field so that each option has a unique value.
Then, set up a custom field on the Listing post type that will hold the value of the Listing Option selection. Add that field to the CRED form, and hide it using CSS. Write custom JavaScript to copy the value from the Listing Option field into this hidden field before the form is submitted. Then you can access the Listing Option value in your cred_commerce_add_product_to_cart callback and do whatever you need to do with it to determine which product should be added to the cart. For example, this line in the code above will let you access the custom field value:
$pid = get_post_meta($post_id, 'wpcf-your-hidden-field-slug',true); // get the value of the Listing Option field