Toolset 1.6.15  – Updates for WordPress 6.5

May 9, 2024

Toolset 1.6.15 is fully compatible with WordPress 6.5 and beyond, providing essential fixes and improved stability for your website.

WordPress 6.5 and its point releases have introduced both visible and behind-the-scenes enhancements. With more sites worldwide upgrading to WordPress 6.5 our team has been closely monitoring the impact of these updates.

As the dust settles after these releases, it’s become clear that certain areas of Toolset require extra attention. Whether you’ve already updated to WordPress 6.5 or are planning to, the latest updates to Toolset address issues and improve your overall website-building experience.

Updates to Toolset Blocks and Toolset Views For a Better WordPress Experience

The most obvious fix was necessary for core blocks like Button, Image, Audio, and Video. When using Dynamic Sources, these blocks would hinder the usage of the Block Editor in WordPress 6.5 and newer versions.

We addressed these issues with Toolset Blocks 1.6.15 and Toolset Views 3.6.15.

And, that’s not all. The enhanced synergy between these versions and WordPress 6.5.x brings:

Enhanced conditional blocks

You’ll no longer see ‘Incomplete condition’ messages when you add multiple conditions.

Better handling of empty post taxonomies

Conditional blocks now work smoothly even with posts that don’t have any categories assigned to them.

Smoother date filters

Now, it’s simpler to navigate dates with improved filters for past and future dates.

Compatibility with PHP 8.1 and 8.2

No more error messages with the latest PHP versions.

Other Improvements

To make the experience of using Toolset on WordPress 6.5.x more dependable, compatible, and user-friendly, we’re also releasing updates to Toolset Forms and Toolset Access.

For the full list, see the changelogs:

Ready to Update?

Just like with all our new versions, we’re gradually releasing these updates to all Toolset plugins. If you need one of them right now, you can manually update Toolset.

Want to share your experiences or ask any questions? We’re all ears! Just leave a comment below.


Comments One Response

  1. Many thanks. Glad to hear the Toolset team are continuing to work on making Toolset work even better and to keep up with the latest WP core updates. Greatly appreciated.