Toolset 1.6.9 – Essential Updates for WordPress 6.4 Compatibility and More

November 7, 2023

We just released Toolset 1.6.9 with an essential update to make Toolset Blocks and Toolset Forms compatible with WordPress 6.4. This release includes various other compatibility updates for all major Toolset plugins, along with other bug fixes.

What’s New in WordPress 6.4

WordPress 6.4 comes with new features and improvements that enhance overall performance and stability:

  • Twenty Twenty-Four Theme: Experience a new default theme that’s both minimal and powerful.
  • Font Library: Easily manage your website’s fonts, including custom uploads and local Google Fonts.
  • Image Lightbox Popups: Enhance your posts and pages with lightbox popups for images.
  • Command Palette Enhancements: Enjoy a more efficient editing workflow with new shortcuts and actions.
  • Block Editor Upgrades: Take advantage of Block Hooks for developers and the improved Gutenberg functionality.

Crucial Toolset 1.6.9 Update for WordPress 6.4 Compatibility

With the release of Toolset 1.6.9, we’re ensuring that Toolset Blocks and Toolset Forms continue to work with WordPress 6.4. 

Before you update your site to WordPress 6.4, upgrade to Toolset 1.6.9 to prevent issues with block functionality in the WordPress Editor. 

If you update to WordPress 6.4 without also updating Toolset, your block content will remain visible on the front-end, but your blocks might stop working in the editor on your site’s backend.

It’s important to stay up-to-date with your Toolset plugins to ensure compatibility and stability of your website. This allows you to maintain a secure, efficient, and smoothly operating website. 

Other Fixes and Improvements

Toolset 1.6.9 fixes how Toolset widgets work in the Elementor page builder. It also includes improvements to prevent errors in PHP 8 or newer versions when handling incorrectly formatted date fields.

Toolset Types 3.5.0

After this original release, we found an issue. We released a fix for it in Toolset Types 3.5.1.

Toolset Types 3.5.0 introduces two new filters that let you bypass the default query for post type relationships and populate a simple dropdown menu with values you specify.

See the full changelog for Toolset Types 3.5.0.

Toolset Blocks 1.6.9 and Toolset Views 3.6.9

Toolset Blocks 1.6.9 comes with an essential update to make blocks fully compatible with WordPress 6.4. 

The Conditional block now also shows a button that lets you add more conditions.

See the full changelog for Toolset Blocks 1.6.9/Toolset Views 3.6.9.

Toolset Forms 2.6.18

After this original release, we found an issue. We released a fix for it in Toolset Forms 2.6.19.

Toolset Forms 2.6.18 comes with an essential update to make the Form block fully compatible with WordPress 6.4. 

See the full changelog for Toolset Forms 2.6.18.

Toolset Access 2.8.17

Toolset Access 2.8.17 restores compatibility with WS Forms.

See the full changelog for Toolset Access 2.8.17.

Download and Update

We release Toolset updates gradually, so you may not see this update in the admin right away.

To get the update without waiting, go to Plugins → Add New and click the Commercial tab. Then, click the Check for updates button, select the plugins, and click to update them.

If you still don’t see the updates available, please try again later. It can take up to 24 hours for the updates to reach all Toolset-powered websites.

We Want to Hear from You

Are you looking forward to the new features in WordPress 6.4? Have any questions or suggestions about this Toolset release? Leave a comment and we’ll respond.


Comments 13 Responses

  1. “Toolset Types 3.5.0 introduces two new filters that let you bypass the default query for post type relationships and populate a simple dropdown menu with values you specify.”

    Is this something new in the UI? Can you point us to an example?

  2. I see this now by going to Plugins, Add New, Commercial, check for updates, etc.

    Why do we have to go through this procedure? Every other plugin that I use just releases the update and it shows in the Plugin list that an update is ready to install. This just gets hidden unless someone knows that the update is there.

    Suggest releasing updates like all other major plugins are.

    • Hi Chris,
      Even though we test our releases thoroughly, there’s always a chance of an issue or two being found in “real-world” situations and sites with different setups. And although this is rare, big issues can happen. By releasing gradually, we can make sure the release is performing as expected. If something goes wrong, it’s on a smaller scale which allows us to pause the release and fix any issues. Of course, we understand that some sites may want the release right away, which is why we offer the option to manually force an update from the Plugins page.

      • Kathy,
        Thank you for the reply. I have over 50 plugins installed. Toolset is the only one that requires the user to manually download the update as if it was a new plugin. All of the rest have a notification that tells when an update is available to let the user know to install it.
        I do not understand why the process to require a download from the Add Plugin->Commercial menu is more secure. All of the other plugins seem to do it fine the other way. It is just a nuisance for me because I have to read how to do this each time, as it is only Toolset that requires it.

        • Thanks for explaining, Chris. We release Toolset gradually, so you will see a notification when an update is available for your site. The process of going to Add Plugin -> Commercial and clicking the Check for Updates button exists so that you can force a manual update in case you want to update Toolset before it’s made available for your site. This isn’t for security purposes, but rather to help us make sure each update is working fine before we send it to everyone. In case we find anything, we can pause the roll-out, fix the issues, and continue safely.

          • OK, I did not receive the notification for the Toolset update before the WP 6.4 update was ready to install.

            So I went to search for the Toolset update that was recommended in an email that I received, and found instructions to look in the Add Plugin area.

            Next time I will just wait on the release and notification.

            Thanks for the clarification.

  3. Hi, this email from you came AFTER WP automatic update 6.4 took place, I have updated Toolset accordingly and see no issue so far. Would you suggest to keep going or to restore a previous backup to update Toolset first and then WP 6.4 ? This could be an issue for a live site ….
    Please send notices well before WP udates are released, thanks

    • Hi Nicola, thanks for getting in touch and for your feedback. As you are not seeing issues, you can keep going without taking additional steps. If any issues do pop-up, please don’t hesitate to open a ticket in our Support forum.

  4. Toolset blocks is preventing my homepage (built on divi) from loading – how/where can i get the updated version?
    I can replicate the issue easily by enabling/disabling blocks.

    • Hi, Jason! I’m sorry to hear about this issue. To update Blocks on your site, in the admin, go to the Plugins > Add New Plugin page and click the Commercial tab. Next, click to check for updates, select Blocks, and click to update it. Alternatively, you can manually download the latest version of Blocks from your Toolset Account page. Did you report this issue to our support?