I found the "Table" option which seems to produce 2 columns by default in the new Views/Blocks editor when creating the view. I also see a place to enter headings for the two columns. I just don't see how to add more than 2 columns (use a css class?) or how to make them sortable?
Thanks Luo. My issue was on my small MacBook screen it was not obvious or easy to click on the area around the table automatically presented by the Views/Blocks editor to select the columns adjustment. With practice and with the knowledge that the invisible adjustment is there, I can do it.
However, we haven’t addressed the 2nd problem here which is the sortable column issue. How does one achieve that in our new views/blocks editor?
Luo is on vacation. This is Minesh here and I'll take care of this ticket in Luo's absence. Hope this is OK.
However, we haven’t addressed the 2nd problem here which is the sortable column issue. How does one achieve that in our new views/blocks editor?
You are allowed to add the sorting fields for now as "select dropdown" or as "list dropdwon", with the current view's block version using especially blocks. Please check the following screenshot: hidden link
it's not possible to add sortable columns, meaning if you want to make table header as sortable (header title with sorting link) is not possible with blocks for now.
I filed a feature request for sortable columns in the new views blocks editor to continue the functionality of the old [wpv-heading] shortcode. Thank you!