Refer this ticket to Waqar or Nigel.
We are looking into the WPSolr plugin to work on While we managed to get the indexing to work into ElasticSearch, we've not yet managed to get the searching functionality to work.
It does trigger a search to ElasticSearch itself, but the content it's searching for is always empty. So there should be an incompatibility somewhere.
It's not possible to get the plugin working - it sends invalid search queries to ElasticSearch due to a mismatch in the type it creates and then tries to search afterwards.
ElasticSearch has various types of "fields" we can store data as, some can be searched, others cannot - normal "text" fields can't be searched due to performance issues.
The WPSolr plugin tries to search on these text fields (that it created by itself), which fails because it's not allowed to do this.
What we also spotted is that it doesn't seem to hook correctly into the Toolset code, since the Toolset search query still runs, while it shouldn't (Since this is what ElasticSearch should do).
Why can't we handle searches? And is there a fundamental issue in WPSolr and Toolset integration?
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
We don't officially recommend or offer integration with any specific Elasticsearch plugin. The "WPSOLR" seems to offer a dedicated extension for Toolset integration:
hidden link
hidden link
Note: We've received some feedback from other users that these extensions are discontinued by the plugin author, so it would be best to get in touch with their official support to learn about the current status.
We do have an internal ticket to integrate views with ElasticSearch, but I'm afraid, we don't have a time estimate to share at this time. You're welcome to add your voice for this feature request at:
For now, official integration is only offered for Relevanssi ( ref: ) and indexing through this should still be faster than having no indexing at all.
( your website already has Relevanssi activated )
The Toolset Views add-on from WPSOLR is not dicontinued. We contacted their support.
The query returns results if "zoek op adres" is filled (or not filled), but it doesn't apply any data from provincie and stad dropdowns. Not to mention, it doesn't show the results if e.g typing "Brussel" into the "zoeken op adres", and "1337" into the search index - despite it gets a result: hidden link - it does show results if just searching for "Brussel" in "zoek op adres".
But basically any dropdown value isn't searched.
Apparently the Toolset views add-on does not work with Toolset search filters. It is made to work with WPSOLR’s filters widget and for Toolset archive views.
Is there a way to adapt the page /eigendom-zoeken or any other search page to get it performing super fast based on this?
The ES index is configured and available in the WPSOLR plugin, so it's "just" about configuring the UI side.
In my personal opinion the integration of views with ElasticSearch should be your highest priority as obviously many of your users will face dramatic performance issues due to Toolset search filters and the way WordPress is structured! I would greatly appreciate if you could give me a time estimate.
For now, how can indexing over Relevanssi help us searches perform fast?