Yes, a mess.
Luckily you received my reply by email, since I have lost it as well.
It was an extensive analysis of the issue + it's solution.
Related to your new questions, we should open a new ticket, because it's a particular custom code issue.
But, I know what happens, let me reply:
If I look at the result of the shortcodes [get-parents-chev] and [get-parents-cava], that's OK, but in the Cred form, I have a selection box that appears and ask to place 2 caracters to find the posts. Then, as soon as 2 caracters are entered, all posts are listed (not only those from the current user !).
Did I miss something?
No, I missed something.
That code works only without the new Select2 Feature that triggers in the CRED front end when you list more than 15 posts.
Basically the whole field Style and JS changed of course, it's now a Select2 instance, while before it was a simple HTML select Field.
Of course, the custom code solution I shared now is not working anymore and I am not even sure it's possible anymore to apply this way.
I will honestly need to investigate, and test.
For that I would love you for opening a new ticket, which I will then take and use it as the base to create an eventual new solution for you and other users.
But then, time evolves, and meanwhile we can split a ticket manually right here and now.
That's what I did, I created a "split" of this ticket, outlining the issue mentioned and asking to test + create a new solution.
You are already following it:
So let's solve this issue there, and if you agree, close this issue here, as it is solved by using the right syntax on generic Fields populated with ShortCodes.
Thank you.