Under the Agency License, would I be able to install Toolset plugins and create site themes or templates for duplication in new client site installations on the network?
Thank you for responding but I believe you misunderstood my question. With my Agency subscription, I am supposed to be entitled to register unlimited sites but this is not the question.
My question is in regards to WordPress Multisite network with shared database environment, not how many single WordPress Installations.
Hi, you can certainly use Toolset plugins on a Multisite Network, but content is managed per site. In other words, Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies, Views, WordPress Archives, Content Templates and so on, are created for one site in the network are not shared with another site in the network. Similarly there is no way to create content in the main network site that propagates down to all network sites for sharing. To effectively share Toolset constructs across sites, Module Manager is your best bet. https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/using-toolset-module-manager/ https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/modules-exporting-and-importing/
As far as creating site Themes, that's not something you can do with Toolset from wp-admin so I'm not really clear what you meant by that. Can you explain in more detail? Are you talking about a WordPress Theme, or something different?
My goal is to create a duplicatable template within Multisite that can be used for new sites.
I'm not exactly sure what a duplicatable template would be, in technical terms. It's not a feature built-in to WordPress or Toolset. When you create a new site in the Multisite Network admin panel, there's no option to create using a site template. Your Multisite Network can have different Themes and Plugins installed at the network level, and each site can activate them individually. So that part of the process is somewhat standardized already. Then content must be added to the site's database. You may be able to find a site cloning tool that will help you automate copying database content over from one site in the Network (like a template site) to another site in the Network, but that would be a third-party plugin. I'm not aware of any that make this easy in a Multisite Network, but you might try Duplicator Pro.
The best way to share Toolset constructs like custom post types, custom fields, content templates, views, etc. across multiple sites without a third-party site cloning tool is to use Toolset Module Manager. Toolset Module Manager can help automate the process of spinning up a new site by giving you the ability to import basic custom post types, fields, taxonomies, content templates and views that are consistent from site to site.
I appreciate the detail in your support responses but we're are off track in this thread.
The original question should have been, is my agency Toolset license compatible with WP Multisite and you confirmed that it was.
In regards to how I plan to build the templates, I would like to use Divi Builder and other 3rd party elements to create a site template or set of templates integrated with Toolset apps. It would be great it core Toolset app functionality was pre-integrated and available for cloning and customization.
Would something such as this be possible?
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