Okay thanks for the additional information. I'm looking at your site here:
hidden link
I don't see duplicate archives. I see links to each product category archive at the top of the page, including a linked image for each category and a post count. If you want to disable these links, you can add the following CSS to your WordPress Archive's Loop Output CSS panel:
.archive.tax-product_cat .product-category.product {
display: none;
After those product category links, I see a single loop of 8 results because there are 8 posts with the BBQ term. Each result looks like an empty black rectangle, because the Loop Output of your WordPress Archive isn't quite right. Let's analyze that code:
<a href="/partners?wpvproductcategory=[wpv-taxonomy-slug]">
The wpv-taxonomy-slug shortcode is for use in a Taxonomy View, not a Taxonomy Archive. Taxonomy Archives loop over Posts, not Taxonomy terms. So if you want to know the slug of the current taxonomy archive term, you must use the wpv-taxonomy-archive shortcode:
<a href="/partners?wpvproductcategory=[wpv-taxonomy-archive info='slug']">
Next this code:
<img src="[types termmeta='categorie-thumbnail' size='medium' output='raw'][types]" alt="" />
Since an archive loops over posts and not terms, you can't get term custom field values without more information. You need to know the term ID, so you can pass that into the types field shortcode. This way the shortcode knows where to look for this field information:
<img src="[types termmeta='categorie-thumbnail' size='medium' output='raw' id='[wpv-taxonomy-archive info='id']'][types]" alt="" />
Finally the taxonomy title code:
Again, you cannot access the taxonomy title using this shortcode. The wpv-taxonomy-title shortcode only applies to Term Views. Use the wpv-taxonomy-archive shortcode again:
[wpv-taxonomy-archive info="name"]
More information about the wpv-taxonomy-archive shortcode:
More information about the Types field shortcode: