I am trying to access my Module Archive page.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see a list of my lessons attached to this module. It is set up in Views as showing each lesson in the module, along with its featured image, title, and a short excerpt. This page SHOULD show FOUR lessons on it, with a circle featured image on the left of each lesson, title, and excerpt.
Instead, I got a blank page. Then, someone from Toolset attempted to help me and now it shows a single lesson, but this is still incorrect. It has none of the formatting that I've specified in Views for this archive.
I set up this WordPress archive in 2016 and it's worked perfectly until this spring. Then, I did a Toolset plugin update and now the view no longer functions.
I created a support ticket this spring and you were able to help me. Then a few months later, it became messed up again: https://toolset.com/forums/topic/views-not-working-as-before-2/
You need to be logged in to see this View.
Please do not make permanent changes to my site. The last person working on my support ticket did without telling me.
I assume we are talking about the same problem of your another thread:
Since you have marked above ticket as resolved, so I did not get your following message.
And it is a compatibility problem with Sensei plugin, your website does not support editing the wp-config.php file, so I need to test and debug it in my localhost, I am downloading the duplicator package file from your website, will update here if there is anything news.
Here are what I found:
I have tested your duplicator package in my localhost, there are some PHP error message in my localhost:
Too few arguments to function the_title(), 1 passed in ...
This is a known issue of old version of Views plugin:
So I simply update the Views plugin to the latest version 2.6.3, it works fine, see screenshot business-foundations.JPG
But in your website, you are using Views plugin version 2.5.2, Please try to upgrade the Views plugin of your website to the latest version, and test again, you can download it here:
Hmm...that's strange because I didn't mark the last ticket resolved???
Thank you! This fixes the problem. I thought that Toolset automatically updated through the WordPress dashboard. Why wasn't I getting updates on the plugin?
The Toolset automatically upgrade feature is integrate into Toolset Types plugin, you can install Types plugin, and follow our document to register a Toolset site key, then you will get the upgrade message: