I am trying to: Add a new block to a page.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: Any new page on the site.
I expected to see: The Toolset Tools. The only one that appears is the Content Template.
Instead, I got: No Toolset blocks to add to my page except the Content Template block. (See attached image.)
FYI: I have deactivated ALL plugins except for Toolset and Astra Pro.
FYI: I also deleted anything in my child theme Functions.php file to make sure there was no conflict. That did not resolve the issue.
Also just so you know, the OTGS installer won't activate. I just reviewed the blog post. Appreciate the OTGS stays on top of these things, but I'm wondering why I wasn't flagged within WordPress Updates to do the same? That appears to have fixed the problem. Is there any further news on the future of Toolset?
OK, installing the update fixed being able to see the blocks, but the fields and text block will not load, although some of the other blocks will.
OK, it's loading, just very oddly. No feedback so you don't know that it's loaded unless you look at the blocks list. It shows up on the page as blank until you go and click on it.
Understandably small issues to work out with a major release of WP 6.4 and 6.4.1 on the same day. Thanks for staying ahead of it.