Not so much a request but an inquiry regarding Gutenberg and usability. I am currently fairly ambivalent about Gutenberg as it doesn't cater for all the workflows that I can achieve with the current editor, most important of these the ability to arrange metaboxes and those of group fields and the standard WordPress boxes for featured images etc. into any arrangement I want on the back end editor.
I have tested the Gutenberg implementations for archive views and templates and so far not bad. But, it would be good to know what's in store in the future. What other tings will we get and will they address the flexibility I described above.
I am doing an evaluation of ACF and I see has group fields where, from what I can tell You can arrange the fields into rows and tables and adjust the field widths in the metaboxes. Would be nice in toolset.
Also I notice that the latest 5 version of ACF metabox can be moved in and out of the sideabr in Gutenberg. I believed that this was a Gutenberg bug but it looks like third party plugin maker need to implement something to correct the behaviour. Not to bothered with Gutenberg myself. It needs a lot of work and the fact that the default WordPress metabox controls such as Featured image can’t be moved at all is a big minus.
I already pitched the same to Amir on the recent blog post: