I need several options to be "sitewide" and will be used on most archive pages and content templates.
I wonder what solution Toolset would recommend to do this ?
I was thinking in creating a new CPT with custom fields but not quite sure this would be the recommended way to do so...
Thank you.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I will require bit more details when you say you want to use the fields sitewide, how exactly you want to use those fields, do you only want to display to value from those field or you also want to use those fields as filters? If you can share your proper requirement then I will be able to guide you in the right direction.
Among categories, admin will be able to choose 4 that will be specific categories.
Each one of this specific categories will be used in different loops in order for instance to display "last 3 posts from this specific category".
Thank you.
The thing is that category is the thing that you need to assign to any post type.
what if you create a page called (master page) from where user can set this categories and later on you can grab the selected values of the categories from this age and use it as per your requirement.