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Tagged: How to build a site with Toolset
This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices.
Last updated by Beda 5 years, 1 month ago.
Assisted by: Beda.
Tell us what you are trying to do?
I want to create a website for real estate agents to be able to list their property listings for sale. They can easily fill out their property listing from a form page to upload their info and pictures. Maybe have 3 agents be able to sign in and add their properties.
I was researching and see some people used a real estate theme /plugin offered by toolset. I cannot find that. Is it something I have to buy in addition to what I have already? Hopefully not.
I am creating the site now, and would love to use toolset since I've purchased it.
Would like the site to look similar to: hidden link
After researching, I have found maybe what I'm looking for.
I've installed the framework
trying to install the reference site, but having issues:
"There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions." But I didn't get an email. Something about the debug issue. I can't install the reference site. Please help.
I need to send you the login instructions in private message.
Also, it suggest 3 different themes to also use with this real estate. I suppose I need to install one of them to get it to work?
thanks for your help.
What you refer to is a Reference Site.
These are available here https://toolset.com/reference-site/
You probably refer to this one specifically:
You can install this locally using the Framework Installer plugin which you can download here at the bottom of this page
Related to "There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions." , this is a PHP fatal error, and it might or might not be due to Toolset.
Please use Framework installer only on fresh sites or installs. Enable WP Debug to log the errors as shown here https://codex.wordpress.org/WP_DEBUG.
Does the issue then persist?
If so, check the error logs and let me know what error it is.
But I suspect this is due to some conflict with another plugin or similar as generally on fresh sites, the Framework installer works according to my tests.
As it is anyway "wiping out" the database when you install a framework it is always suggested to install on a fresh site.
Related to the themes, you do not need them, but they are recommended as working in a more integrated way with Toolset, then others.
But you can also use Twenty Twenty or any other theme you like, as long it's coded by WordPress standards.
I installed on a clean site. Not sure how to do the debug.
Can you please login and see what is the issue?
hidden link
Below is the debug info from my site:
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Can anyone help me with this? Trying to get the site working, but there is an error.
I finally got the framework and the real estate demo installed. So I can replace the demo with my items, then I delete the demo?
So to have it work properly, the framework is the real estate program that I need correct? Just have these questions, because I have 2 real estate sites that I need to redo.
My question if I have installed the framework and the demo theme, can I just replace the demo stuff with my info? Then delete the images I don't need? I'd be using the theme that is active with that demo, so that means I need to purchase it. I just want something easy, so I don't have to build it all from scratch.
Meanwhile I tried to add a new property to the installed demo, but still says there is a critical error and cannot see what I just uploaded. Is there a way to provide a private message with login details?
I apologise for the delay, my weekend was in-between, please find my working hours here https://toolset.com/forums/users/beda-s/.
I see you could successfully install the Framework, and will answer below your follow up questions:
The framework installer downloaded structure (Views, Layouts, Forms, Templates, etc) and some dummy content.
You should use this as a reference or as a base to build upon. This means the dummy content should be removed, and populated with the content you ultimately have to work with (your projects).
The structure can sometimes be used as is, sometimes you will want to make amendments, maybe the styling or add some fields for additional information - this is up to your requirements and plans.
As is, the framework already could be used as a ready-to-be-populated website, of course, you'd just have to remove the dummy content and substitute with real content if then the structures of the framework already perfectly fit the requirements you have.
We intend the Framework sites as learning ground, but also as starting templates for development, so you can use it for both.
I am not sure what framework you ultimately installed but if its the Real Estate Site, it uses Astra which is a free theme.
I see here you mention there are still errors.
I need to know what error, for this, the WP Debug enabled will tell us more, or, if you can outline what errors happen or share a screenshot of it, I may be able to help further with it.
I see the provided login data was removed so I can't yet check myself directly
If you want to use the next private form to submit to me new access details, I can then check according to your steps what is happening on the site.
Thank you!
You can make any changes you like, since this is just a "template", or a slate, to build upon.
You can also delete the Framework Installer Plugin, it is only used to install that template or any other template.
We can't help you create a Child Theme, but following these instructions you should be able to achieve that:
It should however not be required if all you do is change styles, as you could always add these styles within the Block editors.
I could not spot any issue when creating a new post on the website.
hidden link
Can you specify what error you experience when creating a new property?