I have WCFM plugin. O n the plugin website (wclovers.com) Toolset is mentioned in the list of compatible plugins. The WCFM allows shortcode that lists stores close to browsing user geo location (example: shoppingmp.com/stores). WCFM is built on top of Woocommerce.
When I activated Toolset Access, the store list shortcode stopped showing stores unless I am logged in with specific roles like admin or vendor roles. If logged in as customer or not logged in the page will not show any data with geo location.
I know this is an overlap area between two plugins, but I reaching out as the switch on of your plugin Toolset Access triggers the issue.
I will be more than happy to provide anymore details
This is the new support ticket that was created from our recent chat.
I've set your next reply as private so that you can share WordPress access details and the clone/snapshot of the website.
( ref: https://toolset.com/faq/provide-supporters-copy-site/ )
Please also share link to a page where this store list shortcode is being used.
I have uploaded/ provided required information.
The page with store lists is: shoppingmp.com/stores
Any updates so far?
Can you please provide some update? We need to move on to next step to launch site.
Thanks for writing back and for sharing these details.
I've just started my shift today, however, the Google Drive folder is asking for the permission.
I also tried to login and access the admin area of the website, but it is showing "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page." message after logging in.
Please grant the access to the Google Drive folder and also assisgn "Administator" role to this temporary user.
Investigation related to compatibility issues with third-party plugin usually takes some time, but I'll do my best to get back to you with an update as soon as possible (after I have a duplicator package).
Thank you and I'm downloading the package now.
I can access the website's admin area too, but, no changes will be made on the actual/live website.
Can you please use p0001.shoppingmp.com instead of shoppingmp.com. This is a clone site that we use for testing. Same user/ password.
Thank you for waiting.
During testing on your website's clone, I noticed that the vendors on the "Stores" pages are shown to guests and other user roles with lower privelledges, if "Do not allow users to view and modify other users with higher privileges" option, from Toolset Access plugin's settings is disabled.
( WP Admin -> Toolset -> Settings -> Access )
Note: I couldn't reproduce the same issue on a clean test website, so it seems that the default user role permissions/privileges are modified on your website.
I hope this helps.