Usually when the shortcode isn't rendering on the frontend its either 1 of 2 things. Either you don't have the views plugin enabled or you've added the shortcode to an editor that doesn't process shortcodes.
Ensure that you've added the shortcode to a WYSIWYG editor.
I'm using it inside a WYSIWYG editor. Actually I got other views elsewhere on the site and those are working.
However, when I put a view inside a taxonomy term field (WYSIWYG editor) it doesn't render. I have used this before and worked, but now it's not working.
I've got duplicator installed if you need to create a copy of the site to dig deeper. Because this is the live site it would be better if you could copy it before any changes are made.
This is one of the pages where it should display and you can see the shortcode in the Kruger section.
I was able to have a look at this for you and found the issue. The problem you are using "output='raw'" to display the text field. What this does is that it is going to render the fields with their exact database value.
So the shortcode and any formatting in the editor will not get processed by wordpress itself. Removing this solves the issue.