I have a cpt of "orders".
each order has custom fields with order date, order id, ordering name.
each order has other custom fields of "products" ordered.
Basically, a table view would give me a list of orders.
But - I am trying to get the view to show me a separate line in the table for each "product". something like:
order 111 | 1/1/2019 | bill clinton | apples
order 111 | 1/1/2019 | bill clinton | oranges
order 222 | 12/11/2019 | barak obama | apples
order 222 | 12/11/2019 | barak obama | bannanas
order 333| 4/8/2019 | donald trump | bannanas
i know that if the "products" were not custom fields but a separate cpt, that would be possible (i would create a view of products with relationship to "orders"). but they are not :/
i can't get my head around a possible solution.
any ideas?