I have four taxonomy terms set up: Atyla, Maybe, Christian Radich and Picton Castle
The term 'Maybe' is not assigned to any posts but all other terms have posts assigned.
This view outputs 4 posts by default (specified by the 'vendortripids' parameter).
3 of the posts output have the term 'Atyla' assigned and one of the posts has the term 'Picton Castle' assigned.
None of the posts output have the term 'Christian Radich' Assigned.
In my view filters on the front end, when first loading the page, the term 'Maybe' is hidden from the select dropdown (correct behaviour), but the term 'Christian Radich' is not hidden (incorrect behaviour).
However, after selecting a vessel to filter by, the term 'Christian Radich' is then hidden (correct behaviour).
If I then reset the filters, the term once again becomes available (incorrect behaviour).
So my questions is: when I select 'Show only available options for each input' in the view settings, why are some taxonomies still shown as available in the filter dropdowns when none of the posts output by the view have those terms assigned? And is it possible to adjust this behaviour?