I created a view that shows parent taxonomies. The loop contains the taxonomy link + description.
On the taxonomy page I created a parent view that shows the taxonomy + a child view that shows the posts that belong to that taxonomy.
But in both cases when I place the view inside my archive template it shows the loop 3 times.
See image.
The loop I wanted to create worked but I don't understand why the loop is showing 3 times underneath each other.
I expected to see:
My view normally with the regular loop.
Instead, I got:
The loop repeating itself 3 times with the same results.
I assume we are talking about a taxonomy archive page.
If it is, please follow our document to customize it with Views WordPress archive:
And you can display current taxonomy archive title with shortcodes: [wpv-archive-title]
Yes, it's a taxonomy archive page. I'm already displaying the archive title.
My issue is that it all works, but the wpv loop inside the view gets shown 3 times with the same results. As seen in the enclosed screenshot. For some reason it repeats itself.
Had to place the parent view outside of the WPV loop and within a content template. Also wrapping the fields inside a content template caused them to not show up, so the loop created inside the parent view shouldn't be wrapped in a content template.