I want to capture information of people who visit my website .
To collect : email , name , tel , etc .
I created a User Form and had it displayed on the front end.
It shows all the fields but what I don't understand from the documentation where this info is stored when it is submitted.
There is no link to any field in the data base .
Then I created a custom post type : "customers" in order to store the collected information .
Here I can create a form in the dashboard but it's not a user form but a post form .
So I'm a bit confused.
Can you give me help and/or indication how to solve this
Hi Dirk,
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
As you noted, the user forms and the post forms work differently.
1. User forms:
When your goal is to allow visitors to register on your website so that they haven an account that they can login through, you'll use these.
( ref: https://toolset.com/lesson-placement/lesson-placements-1622969-1634711/ )
Entries submitted through these are saved as WordPress users at WP Admin -> Users.
2. Post forms:
When you just need to collect contact information from visitors (without needing them to register for an account), you can use the post form.
( ref: https://toolset.com/lesson-placement/lesson-placements-1621521-1612071/ )
Entries submitted through these would be saved as posts in the selected post type.
I hope this explanation will help you in deciding between these two.
Thank you Waqar .
I took your 2nd suggestion ( Post Forms ) and can now build up the contacts of potentials customers in the custom post .
Follow up question :
If I want to use these fields now in a CRM solution ( Odoo ) how can I export this data ?
Or do you have a suggestions go a WordPress CRM that would better serve my needs ( Hubspot? )
Thanks for the update and glad that my suggestion helped.
I've split a new ticket for your question about the external CRM and will reply to it separately.
( https://toolset.com/forums/topic/split-exporting-custom-fields-data-to-an-external-crm/ )
You're welcome to mark this ticket as resolved and start a new one for each new question or concern.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!