Hello, I am using The Events Calendar im my website (along with Toolset of course).
I am trying to create a View with the list of forthcoming events.
Is there a way to have access to the title, the excerpt and the main description of an event, to display them in the view ?
Ok i will try this and let you know of the outcome.
One more question. Is it possible somehow to display events that are in the future? I mean can i create a filter in the view to have only the posts that have a date field and this field is from "now" and in the future ?
Yes, you can filter your view for future evernts but I need to know here that which date field you want to compare? Is it created using Types or its Events Calendar date field?
Its Events Calendar date field "_EventStartDate", which i will use to diplay only the future events and not the past ones.
I also have a second question...
I am also trying to display this date and the "_EventEndDate" field with the following code:
<p>[wpv-post-field name="_EventStartDate" format="j F Y - H:i"] έως [wpv-post-field name="_EventEndDate" format="j F Y - H:i"]</p>
And my problem there is that the formatting i am trying to make is not working.
Should i use the [wpv-post-field] shortcode or should i use the [types] shortcode to display them?
Well - [wpv-post-field] does not have the format attribute. With Events Calender the event start date is stroed _EventStartDate field which is a date string.
To format the date of your event, please try to add the following shortcode to your current theme's functions.php file: