I have a search with checkboxes.
Users select as many options as relevant, and I need to show results that match ALL selected options.
Right now, it is showing results that match ANY option.
(ie I need to connect with AND not OR)
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I would like to know what view you are using, are you using Block view or classic view.
Can you please share problem URL where you added your view with checkboxes filter and share admin access details.
*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
I would also eventually need to request temporary access (WP-Admin) to your site. Preferably to a test site where the problem has been replicated if possible in order to be of better help and check if some configurations might need to be changed.
I have set the next reply to private which means only you and I have access to it.
You should try to edit your view and navigate to the "Query Filter" section and for your checkboxes field query filter you should try to choose the comparison "in" instead of "equal to".
If you cannot see the Query Filter section, activate it in the Screen Options tab available at top right corner.
I found the Query Filter, thanks.
But the IN operator acts like a "OR".
If I want an apartment with Wifi, Pool and parking and I check of all 3 options in my results I will get ALL apartments that have Wifi, ALL that have pools and ALL that parking, even if the apartments don't have all 3 options.
I need to return apartments that have Wifi AND parking AND pool.
Can you please share screenshot of your checkboxes custom field from: Toolset => Custom Fields => Edit your custom field group => take the screenshot of your checkboxes field and share with me.
So, checkboxes fields are special fields whose value stored as serialized array to database.
Do you have any other checkboxes filters added to your view? As this is really specific thing, if you can share problem URL and access details that will help me to know what filters are added to view and what workaround I can offer you and what could be the best workaround.
*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
I would also eventually need to request temporary access (WP-Admin) to your site. Preferably to a test site where the problem has been replicated if possible in order to be of better help and check if some configurations might need to be changed.
I have set the next reply to private which means only you and I have access to it.
It's fine...if there is no obvious quick solution I can do a work around where each of the checkboxes will be a separate field , and then all those will be joined naturally by the AND operator.