I am creating a custom search page using the View block . In the view loop, I have added an image block however I couldn't link to the dynamic source that I have. I am not new I already published two sites with toolset. But now I couldn't it when I tried to link to the custom fields it automatically switches back
To be able to set the image block settings the current post needs to have a value for the image field.
Your View is querying posts of some type ("knowledge" something?), and the first post that the View returns is used to create the preview etc.
Does that first post have a value for the image field? Make sure it does, or try reversing the order setting of the View so that some other post is the first one returned by the View while you set things up.
I have been working around to solve the problem and taking your suggestion. What I did is I have creating image block outside the view loop then assigned the dynamic field then drag it to the view. This way I am handling it. Thank you for support.
One question I have is I want to add a URL link to the image, how can I add ?
You can setup the Toolset Image block link, for example, find and select the Toolset Image block, in section "Link Settings", here you can setup the image link, see my screenshot image-link.JPG