I'm trying to use conditional fields in Elementor but running into some issues.
Essentially I'm trying to show an Elementor Icon with text, using a field as the text, but only show if the field isn't empty.
I've found other posts in the forums that mention this issue, but I wanted to check if there is a workaround.
From what I can see the Toolset conditional shortcode only works with Elementors shortcode widget. I want to put some actual HTML in here which just gets stripped out if I'm using this block from elementor.
Is there another way to add the shortcode in? I've tried using this code too in a HTML block but doesn't work:
{!{wpv-conditional if="( NOT(empty($(phone))) )"}!}This field is not empty{!{/wpv-conditional}!}
Is it possible to utilise this instead and insert HTML? Any possible work arounds here?
And lastly one other issue I'm trying to workout, how can I output the text of a URL field?
Again an issue with Elementor here, I'm also trying to use this in the Icon + Text widget.
I want to have an icon that outputs the website address, and links to that address.
If I use Elementor's native 'Dynamic' option I can set the actual link address to the Toolset URL field, but not the description. All the other fields come up, but because this is a URL field it looks like I can only use it in actual link fields, not text.
Again would be great if I could use a shortcode here but this seems to be a built in limitation of Elementor, it won't render shortcodes on page unless they are in the shortcode element. And catch 22, if they are in that element, I can't render HTML.
Any help appreciated!