Is ti possible to use a custom field as a placeholder when formatting a filter box on search for a taxonomy?
E.g. it says I can use %%NAME%% (%%COUNT%%) for example.
However I want to use a custom field I have called wpcf-full-name which is attached the taxonomy, would think maybe this is possible and I am just missing something?
I assume we are talking about the shortcode [wpv-control-post-taxonomy], see our document:
The attribute "format" two values: '%%COUNT%% %%NAME%%'
It does not support custom taxonomy field, so there isn't such kind of built-in feature within Toolset, but you can add a feature request for it:
Our developers will evaluate it.
Thanks for your reply 🙁
That’s a real shame I really need this feature.
Is it not possible to do with some simply custom code, or is it not possible with the way Toolset is currently built?
No, there isn't any existed filter hook for the "format" attribute, see our document:
So I don't think there will be a simply custom code, you might consider to move the taxonomy field value into term's name.