Снова привет. Спасибо за такой быстрый ответ. Но я имел ввиду не это, а возможность показать профиль отдельного пользователя. Как делать "views" для все пользователей или по определенным ролям я разорался. Помогите, пожалуйста.
Hello again. Thank you for such a prompt reply. But I did not mean this, but the ability to show the profile of an individual user. How to make "views" for all users or for certain roles I was ruined. Help me please.
And I also need to get a link to the author's profile of a certain publication. How can i do this?
The picture in general is such that:
1) I will have users on my site whose profiles should be viewed by site visitors.
2) these users will publish different posts
3) in these posts I need to reflect the author of the post with a reference to his profile, which I will do in the first paragraph
How can I do it? I searched all over the Internet, and could not find it. I'm a beginner developer ...
From your description I understand that you want to show User’s info in author/user page, like: hidden link hidden link
You can display Post author profile link using following shortcode:
[wpv-post-author format="link"]
It will generate link like this: hidden link
2. Then you need to make Author archive View page as in screenshot. You can display as many fields as you want. In my case I have added three fields e.g. author name, profile picture and description. You can add more info from ‘Fields and Views’ button.
I did everything the way you said. Do I end up with a record of a specific user? I go to create the author's archive, like you have on the picture. First item: Selecting cycles. I choose "Author of archives", and I choose in it the type of post that the archive will contain. Suppose I took my arbitrary type of post, and not the standard "posts". And in the end, after I added data and entered some arbitrary user fields through the data loop master, I entered "[wpv-post-author format =" link "]" shortcode and clicked on this link to the archive, and there I'm shown all the fields several times, namely as many times as this user posted posts of this type of posts.
Yes, I received such a link "hidden link", but I need to get a link of this type that it leads to the user profile and site visitors could find it by this user. And it turns out that I can not create a profile user profile, because the data will be repeated as many times as he published the posts selected when selecting the cycles.
I apologize in advance for such a detailed and tedious message. Help me please.
As profile page you can use either author php file, or you can also create a Custom Post type "Profile", and create a Post with a Content Template for each user.