I created looping slider with flexslider2 to show woocommerce customers name and profile picture
I'm put this field in loop
[wpv-user field="profile_picture"]
[wpv-user field="user_firstname"]
everything is work fine on computer but that's 2 field it's not showing on mobile phone. How to fix that?
this my url goo.gl/b8zs4R
So sorry it's my bad
change [wpv-user field="user_firstname"] to [wpv-post-field name='_billing_first_name']
it's work great.
Just one last thing how to display customer profile image
[wpv-user field="profile_picture"] this shortcode is not work.
I tried the URL you mentioned above, but get the error:
This site can’t be reached
charity.design****.com took too long to respond.
The shortcode [wpv-user] works insider a Views user query or the current user if outside a loop:
But you can specific the user's ID, like this:
[wpv-user field="user_email" id="123456"]
Display the email value for the the user with ID 123456.
I try specific the user's ID it's work fine.
but I need to display all user or multiple user can I put seperate for ID something like id="1,2,3,4,5,6" ?
or anyway else to display customer profile?
You can create a view, list wordpress users, filter with
Select users with id set by the View shortcode attribute "users" and with role "(any)"
eg. [wpv-view name="view-name" users="1"]
In the view's loop, display the shortcode [wpv-user ...]
And display above view, like this:
[wpv-view name="view-name" users="1,2,3,4,5,6"]