It is a browser security limitation that the Use My Location option only works on https:// sites, and it seems like you have an insecure http:// protocol site.
Which raises a usability issue, as you shouldn't be presented with that option when it cannot work.
It wasn't available with earlier Maps versions (I just checked), but somewhere the test for https:// before displaying it seems to have been lost.
I'm escalating this as a usability issue: you shouldn't see that option except on https:// sites.
Thanks Nigel - this makes sense, and I tested this on the production HTTPS version of the site, and it works as it should. Appreciate you clarifying.
When I tested it, it works just fine. Visually it returns the latitude/longitude in the field, and I am looking for a 'nicer' way to present this: perhaps with the closest street address, or showing the 'city, province code'? Any ideas around this, or know how else it has been done, and how to do that?
The location is provided by the browser using the web Geolocation API (hidden link).
That returns the coordinates, not an address, so that's what is included in the search field.
If you wanted to display an address you would have to write a custom solution which used the Google API to convert the coordinates to an address, and displayed that address in place of the coordinates (which would still be required, and which you would hide with CSS).