I've been trying to resolve this for weeks and the position of the toolset team previously has always been frustratingly taking the default position that it's a compatibility problem with another plugin, however, I've now made a staging duplicate of the site and disabled nearly every single plugin, but the js error remains.
This is breaking my site, and my client is responding with "no confidence" because of the broad effect of the js error.
Please help!!!!
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'sort' of undefined
at WPViews.ViewSorting.self.get_sort_data (wpv-pagination-embedded.js?ver=2.6:560)
at WPViews.ViewFrontendUtils.self.get_updated_query_results (wpv-pagination-embedded.js?ver=2.6:391)
at WPViews.ViewPagination.self.pagination_preload_next_page (wpv-pagination-embedded.js?ver=2.6:1776)
at WPViews.ViewPagination.self.pagination_preload_pages (wpv-pagination-embedded.js?ver=2.6:1715)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (wpv-pagination-embedded.js?ver=2.6:3281)
at Function.each (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
at a.fn.init.each (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
at WPViews.ViewPagination.self.init_preload_pages (wpv-pagination-embedded.js?ver=2.6:3274)
at WPViews.ViewPagination.self.init (wpv-pagination-embedded.js?ver=2.6:3312)
at new WPViews.ViewPagination (wpv-pagination-embedded.js?ver=2.6:3316)
I would need to diagnose further. Could you let me know when did this issue started to occur. Was it when you updated to views version 2.6 ?
Getting some point of reference would help. Sorry for the delayed response but the forum is extremely loaded at the moment so I ask for a bit of patience 🙁
Yes, I do believe it was introduced with the update to 2.6.
This is a really urgent issue, since the entire site is effectively broken as a result of this. I'll even pay for support. I just need a solution. Thank you.
Please do whatever you need. If there’s something I can provide to assist, please let me know. I’m a senior dev myself and haven’t had time to really parse it out and WP isn’t my typical domain, but if it makes sense for me to be involved, let me know.
Point is, if there’s anything at all I can do to help, please let me know.