I am trying to upgrade from Toolset Types 2.2 to 3.3,
Toolset views 2.2 to 2.9,
Toolset maps 1.4 to 1.8
I get the following error:
Update package not available. ()
I have attached a screenshot.
Feel free to access the site (I set up a user for you) - this is a dev site and I need to get the update up and running here prior to going live. Will any updates in syntax from these versions affect the site? If so can you provide some examples?
there is a definite conflict between Visual Composer 4.1.2 (WP Bakery builder) and the newest version of Toolset.
I have disabled all other plugins and it is still occurring.
Can you provide any advice?
Hi Chris,
Sorry to learn that the issue still persists.
I've created a new ticket for this report about a possible conflict between Types and Visual Composer ( WP Bakery ) since it is a different issue than the original ticket.
( https://toolset.com/forums/topic/split-conflict-between-visual-composer-4-1-2-wp-bakery-builder-and-the-newest-version-of-toolset-types-3-3-5/ )
I'll perform some tests on my website and will update you with my findings through that new ticket.
You're welcome to mark this ticket as resolved.