Was anything further ever done to figure out or resolved related to Toolset vs. Divi Bootstrap issues?
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Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
The work on resolving the Bootstrap conflicts is work-in-progress.
We have an internal ticket for handling this, but from what I can see the work so far has been gathering examples of issues and specific solutions, but these still need to be brought together into a series of coherent recommendations that we either publish as documentation, or as an additional stylesheet for use only with Divi.
I don't have an ETA, I'm afraid.
Is there any kind of ETA or thread I can follow for updates?
English (English )
Spanish (Español )
Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
Sorry for the delay, I was waiting for someone to return to be able to confirm.
You can subscribe to the sticky post created about this issue: https://toolset.com/forums/topic/style-conflicts-with-bootstrap-and-3rd-party-plugins-or-themes/
That will be updated with what is eventually recommended as the solution.
Unless I'm missing something, and I really hate to be a negative Ned... but the Divi integration is pretty much useless. It does not work :-(.
The integration requires so much CSS that you might as well not use Divi.
Please check out hidden link ... they have done a much better job of making the integration work. Toolset's would be great if the content template > layout options worked and page containers were correct.
English (English )
Spanish (Español )
Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
I can't argue with you because at the moment we haven't released any update to fix the Divi CSS problems.
The developers have this issue in their in-tray, and I've added your feedback to help them prioritise their work-load.
Thanks for the feedback.