Well, that will depend on how you want to implement it.
Keep in mind that pages are a default post type called "Pages". And that has a special URL scheme(vs another post type). For example, a page that has a slug contact will have the following URL hidden link and a page that has a slug "my-account" will have the following URL hidden link
However, a post from a custom post type "CharacterPage" that has a slug "dr-house" will have the following URL, assuming that the CPT slug is "characterpage" hidden link
Keep in mind that WordPress has roles and capabilities. Roles such as "Administrator", "Editor", etc. And capabilities such as "edit own", "edit others". Read more about them here https://wordpress.org/support/article/roles-and-capabilities/
This being said, you can use Toolset Access to create a custom role "CharacterCreator" that has the capability "edit own" on the custom post types "CharacterPage", and "Posts" or the custom post type that will be used for articles. This can be done at Toolset->Access Control->Post Types(tab).
You can set the role of a user on registration, using a Toolset user form. And you can let users create "CharacterPage" posts using a post form. That way the user will be allowed to edit only its own posts. You will also need to set some rules at the forms' level in Toolset->Access Control->Forms(tab).
So, you can, for example, create a page "my-account", inside of it, you can create a view that will return only the "CharacterPage" posts of the current user. And inside of this view, you can put the edit URL to let each user edit its own "CharacterPage" posts. Does it make sense?
I'll invite you to check our tutorials, they may give you some inspiration and more insights on how to let users manage their own posts and site areas:
- https://toolset.com/course/wordpress-membership-sites/
- https://toolset.com/course/wordpress-directory-and-classifieds-sites/
I know this may be too much to explain in one forum reply. Please ask me any questions if you still need more clarification about anything.