I am reporting a terrible bug that comes with types 3.0.3
I had set up a variety of custom post types with different and common custom fields. Suddenly after today's 3.0.3 update i have been unable to save custom fields in custom and default post types.
After changing anything in the custom field and hitting update the page reloads and displays the success message on top, but the custom fields remain in the previous state.
Default fields such as title, body and excerpt are correctly updated
After some minutes of panic I switched to 2017 theme and disabled all plugins but types, views and access and confirmed that the problem was persisting.
Then i rolled back to types 3.0.2 and the problem disappeared. I did not roll back to previous versions the 2 other plugins that updated today.
I have a duplicator copy of the site in the bugged state, I can share it if you are interested
Yes, please share this in the next reply.
I tried several scenarios and could not replicate such an issue but maybe you refer to specific fields, or specific relations, or edit screens of related posts.
Can you please explain the steps you take, and I will then replicate them on your duplicate and later locally to debug and escalate this to the Developers or help you fix it directly.
Thank you.
I am not able to save most custom fileds, such as the fields in the group "Categoria struttura" in the "Struttura" cpt and the fields in the group "Dettagli offerta" in the "Offerta" cpt.
The whole group (which includes text fields, checkboxes and selects) is not saved while updating the post
I added 3 screenshots to clarify my problem.
- In the first pic there is the initial state of the post, as it appears when I edit it in the backend
- In the second I changed one custom filed to something else
- In the third there is the post after saving it. As you can see the custom field is back to the original state as it has not been really saved, even if the success notice is displayed on top...
This website is due for today, I have to insist asking for your support...
Thank you
I just replicated a BUG, where I cannot save any Custom Field, which are in Repeatable Field Groups, since 3.0.3
I think this is the same, is it?
Can you confirm this?
I just replicated a BUG, where I cannot save any Custom Field, which are in Repeatable Field Groups, since 3.0.3
I think this is the same, is it?
Can you confirm this?
The repeating fields bug appears ONLY in 3.0.2 after I ROLLED BACK to that version because of the bug that appeared after I updated to 3.0.3 (ajax calls that fetches or adds repeating fields for the post fails with code 500)
In 3.0.3 repeating fields work fine;
My main problem concerns "normal" custom fields, which are not saved on post update in 3.0.3.
If then I roll back to 3.0.2 custom fields are saved but repeating fields become completely unusable (as I described on top).
At the moment I creating the posts in 3.0.2 and then I will update again to 3.0.3 in order to add repeating fields. This if very far from ideal though.
You can replicate the situation with my duplicator copy which I attached yesterday.
In 3.0.3 Repeating Fields definitely do not work fine, They are totally broken actually, if you use Toolset Types 3.0.3
I just reported this and the Developers already are working on it.
I refer to "normal" fields that are IN repeating Fields, they do not save.
Anyway, I am checking your package as I write and I see that this is not the same issue.
The issue you refer to is like this:
A Custom Field, shown conditionally to another custom field, is not saving the value in a simple custom field group.
I can confirm this BUG as well.
I informed the developer so to fix.
We actually believe, it could already be fixed in the related bug report above mentioned.
We are solving this as we speak.
You may hopefully receive hotfixes today.
It is true, I did not test enough. I confirm that the repeating field is created BUT the fields inside it are not saved.
Anyway, regarding "my" bug, not only conditionally shown custom fields are bugged. As I showed in the screenshots, even the most simple select field, the only field in his group, is not saved on post update.
I am eagerly waiting for a fix or, at least, a workaround.
Thank you and the devs for your support
Yes, simple, single Select Fields do not save their value either.
I already informed the developers.
I saw even single lines not saving.
I am pushing the fix
This will be solved with a hot fix today.
Please stand by and look out for the update.
Thank you very much for your excellent support
I'll be checking for updates
Types 3.0.4 is now released.
We apologize for any inconvenience this error may caused.