Unable to set custom dimensions on an image block inside a view
I had some troubles building your website, I just get it working.
I was able to reproduce the same issue with a default theme, but it was fixed after I tried an image from a custom field, and revert back to the featured image. hidden link
I tried the same on your website but it did not help. I created a new test page and test view but it did not help either.
I suspect a type of cache and I would also try with a default theme such as 2020. I would like your permission to do it. And, please, take database backup.
If I could not fix it, I'll migrate your website to our online platform, so we can be sure if there is not a server-related issue on your side.
I just made a database backup.
Thank you!
I was able to make the image size settings appear as you can see on this screenshot hidden link
But as soon as I choose one of the dropdown dimensions the size setting disappears again. To make it appear, I need to change the source of the image to a custom field(Logo skupiny). hidden link
Once I change the source of the image to the featured image the settings disappear.
Let me escalate this to our 2nd Tier and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
OK, thank you for your work so far.
we are still waiting for your support. We urgently need to solve the problem. Our website is already public and this thing does not work.
Our 2nd Tier was not able to reproduce the same issue with an All In One Migration package from my local copy. I checked again today and I was not able to reproduce the same issue, which is weird or which is caused by something we did not find yet.
So, I tried a new page with a view to the same post type and another view to the default Posts type and I was able to reproduce the same issue.
hidden link
I am checking again with our 2nd Tier and I'll get back to you.
As a workaround, I would suggest using a shortcode to generate the resized image instead of the image block that is clearly presenting issues. Read more about the wpv-post-featured-image shortcode here:
- https://toolset.com/documentation/programmer-reference/views/views-shortcodes/#vf-153425
I've tried this before, but it always crashed my block and I had to restore it. Can you please make it work for me? Then I will read your method and I will use it in another case.
[wpv-post-featured-image size='custom' width='400' height='400' crop='true' crop_horizontal='right' crop_vertical='bottom']
thank you
I think that you have some kind of caching system contributing to the fact that the sizes dropdown does not appear on your website. Unless it is a compatibility conflict.
I migrated your website to our platform to this URL hidden link You can log in with the same credentials. I had to deactivate the MU plugins and the "reCaptcha by BestWebSoft" plugin. Please note that images are deleted automatically on our platform. So, I had uploaded some images without using the watermark and I am getting different results than on your website:
- The resizing dropdown appears.
- An error while resizing happens, this is a known issue that has already been escalated to the developers.
Check this screenshot hidden link
I have also been able to use a shortcode on the migrated site, by using the same shortcode on your last reply, inside a shortcode block. Check this screenshot hidden link
Check the result hidden link here hidden link
I'm helpless. I did not change anything on the server, did not install any module and yet this stopped working. How to continue? I can't even use shortcode. It always requires recovery the block.
Can you me with this shortcode please. I created an image type "slovnik"
I logged into your website and I can see that the featured image shortcode does not generate the image as it should.
The migrated site has been deleted. I'll migrate the site again and check if the shortcode will work on the migrated site. It may reveal something related to the site. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
I tried to migrate the site a couple of times but it did not succeed. Probably, because our server does not have enough space to migrate 14G. So, I checked the local copy that I still have and the shortcode were working correctly. They generate a resized image. Check this screenshot hidden link
I still could not spot the difference between my local setup and your server and what could block your server from resizing the image using a shortcode. Maybe because of a 3rd party plugin, as I spot differences between your actual plugins and the ones that were active when I took the copy before.
I'll check further and get back to you as soon as I find something.