I am trying to:
Import intermediary posts with Ultimate CSV Importer PRO.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
hidden link
I expected to see:
The two posts of type Company (Bedrijf) and Activity (Activiteit) to be connected in the intermediary post.
Instead, I got:
Both posts not connected. When I try to update it manually, it hangs on "Bezig op te slaan..." (is saving).
It used to work the last couple of months, but I'm afraid yesterday's update might have broken this.
The CSV is only to test and contains these 6 rows:
"Bedrijf id","activiteit id","activiteitsnaam","Bedrijfsnaam","post_title","intermediate_post","onderwijsniveaus","onderwijsniveaus cleaned","po","vmbo","havo","mbo","wo","relatie slug"
"14840","6919","Gastles","A.P. Gijssel en Zoon","A.P. Gijssel en Zoon-Gastles","14840,6919","PO,VMBO,MBO,","PO,VMBO,MBO","1","1","0","1","0","bedrijf-activiteit"
"14840","6920","Bedrijfsbezoek","A.P. Gijssel en Zoon","A.P. Gijssel en Zoon-Bedrijfsbezoek","14840,6920",,"","0","0","0","0","0","bedrijf-activiteit"
"14840","6921","Docentstage","A.P. Gijssel en Zoon","A.P. Gijssel en Zoon-Docentstage","14840,6921","VMBO,MBO,","VMBO,MBO","0","1","0","1","0","bedrijf-activiteit"
"14840","6922","Snuffelstage","A.P. Gijssel en Zoon","A.P. Gijssel en Zoon-Snuffelstage","14840,6922",,"","0","0","0","0","0","bedrijf-activiteit"
"14840","6923","Technische opdracht","A.P. Gijssel en Zoon","A.P. Gijssel en Zoon-Technische opdracht","14840,6923",,"","0","0","0","0","0","bedrijf-activiteit"