We are using the default theme and we have disabled all plugins except Toolset Types, Toolset Views and UltimateMember.
We have made some tests about TTFB and we have noticed some delays in the results.
• We have created a WordPress Archive (test2) with Toolset CPT with only title and Feature image
TTFB = 1.20
• We have created a manually CPT with the default layout
TTFB = 0.664
• We have a WordPress Archive with our layout (Without Custom S/Cs)
TTFB = 1.30
After that, we disable the UltimateMember where it’s not unused on these pages and the results at the same Archives was:
• We have created a WordPress Archive (test2) with Toolset CPT with only title and Feature image
TTFB = 0.653
• We have created a manually CPT with the default layout
TTFB = 0.585
• We have a WordPress Archive with our layout (Without Custom S/Cs)
TTFB = 0.630
As you can see the TTFB has dropped dramatically in Archives that use Toolset and a small drop in the manually added Archive. If we also enable our theme and custom code the TTFB difference is huge. More than 2 sec with UltimateMember disabled.
Could you please check where this delay came from because only appears in Toolset Archives and not to defaults Archives. We can give you access to our staging environment.
Thank you.