Hello, I’m trying to figure something out and a bit of help would be wonderful. Thank you in advance.
At the moment, my site uses a custom plugin that I had build years ago to create a CPT, a taxonomy and to display both of those. I aim to replace the custom plugin with toolsets completely. Of course, I want to keep all of my content and just set it all up with Toolsets instead.
So, here’s how the site works at the moment:
Posts —> These are news stories about one celebrity. E.g. discussing a charity event.
CPT called Items —> These are a CPT listing items of clothing worn by the celebrity.
Taxonomy —> Events. These link the two so that the relevant items can be displayed on the relevant posts and vice versa. (E.g.) All items worn in this blog post, a list of all blog posts where this item was worn...) This Event Taxonomy archive is not used for anything further, not displayed on the site or indexed by Google. I don’t intend to use it for anything going forward either so if it’s redundant or there’s a better way of creating relationships, we can delete it.
It’s the ITEM —> EVENT —> POST relationship I’m confused by and how to set this up on my site.
I think this will be a many-to-many relationship? But I’m not certain about that.
I also don’t know how to set this up in practical terms. Or how to import my content in. I've looked at the WP All Import plugin very briefly, is that something that would work in this instance?
I feel like this is a big question so I really appreciate any help or feedback that can be offered.
------- For extra context:
I have further taxonomies too:
Item type for the Item CPT (shoes, coats etc) with their own archives.
Colours and Brands - At the moment a post taxonomies. I’d like them to be an item taxonomies too, and I'm hoping to achieve this with toolsets.
This is so I can create an archive page for the colour or the brand and create an archive page listing BOTH. Ideally, under separate headings or in separate places on the archive.