I am trying to display term field fields and custom term fields on a custom taxonomy archive. It seems they are displaying in the editor but not on the front end.
I have tried to show them by adding a text and field block. When choosing a field I cannot choose the term fields. With a search on "taxo"I can can findby "post-taxonomy iterator. But they are only showing in the editor.
Thank you for getting in touch. To display the taxonomy term meta in a taxonomy archive you will need to add the following shortcode outside of the post loop area.
[types termmeta='my-field-slug'][/types]
Replace my-field-slug with the slug of your custom field and you should now see the field value showing on the frontend.
Hi Shane,
This works fine.
I also found the [wpv-taxonomy-archive info="name/description/etc"] shortcode which can display some info within the taxonomy.
Do you have a link for me with some extra reading about these shortcodes? For example is there a difference between the use of the
[wpv-] and the [types] shortcode.
Furthermore I noticed I cannot write/submit a reply to you in my chrome browser. The blue and red buttons are missing. Edge works fine.
Do you have a link for me with some extra reading about these shortcodes? For example is there a difference between the use of the
[wpv-] and the [types] shortcode.