¿Cómo podría traducir el mensaje "Permission denied" que aparece cuando Access no permite que un usuario use un formulario?
This is English support forum, please create the thread in English.
I have translated your question with google:
How could I translate the "Permission denied" message that appears when Access does not allow a user to use a form?
I have searched it in Toolset form core codes, that message is hard-coded in Toolset Forms plugin file \cred-frontend-editor\application\models\form\post.php
Line 259:
return new WP_Error( 'cred-permission', 'Permission denied' );
There isn't available way to translate it without hack the codes, the text 'Permission denied' should be wrapped with WordPress gettxt function, for example:
return new WP_Error( 'cred-permission', __( 'Permission denied', 'wp-cred'));
Then you will be able to translate it with gettext filter hook, for example:
add_filter('gettext', 'my_cred_trans_func', 10, 3);
function my_cred_trans_func($translated, $text, $domain) {
if ($text == 'Permission denied' && $domain == 'wp-cred'){
$translated = 'My own Permission denied';
return $translated;
Can you confirm it in your website? check if it is the text you want to translate, then I will escalate this ticket to our developers
Sorry. I have wrote other tickets in Spanish and the replay was in Spanish too. But I don't mind Spanish or English.
Your solution isn't practical. If I modify the plugin, I'll lose all changes when updated.
What I have done is hidding the message.
I submitted this in "Suggest a New Feature for Toolset".
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!
Hello, here is the update:
This issue is fixed in feature version of Toolset Form plugin 2.4, which will be released soon.