I'm using Toolset (last version plusgins) with Divi (new Divi builder and last version theme) and face the following issue :
When I create a new Text module with Divi, the Toolset shortcode button is displayed.
I can click on it and chose a Views shortcode.
But then, the shortcode is not integrated into the Divi text module (the module content stays empty).
If I use the old Divi builder, that's working fine
If I use copy / paste to insert a shortcode in the text module, then it's working fine also.
It is just when you use the Toolset button inside the new Divi builder that the issue is present.
Can you have a look on this and tell me if you are able to reproduce the issue?
For whom cannot read above private reply of me to @pat, here the issues' reason:
The new Divi Builder experience cannot be used together with Toolset.
If you use that builder you need to disable it.
If you need this new experience integrated you'd have to submit a request both to Divi and Toolset's Product Manager.
Toolset's Product Management can be reached here:
Hi Beda,
Just to inform you that I have some latest info from Divi. Here is the answer I have got from the support team :
I can see that the issue it being worked on. Unfortunately, there is no ETA on a solution that I can provide at this time. Though I can assure you that issues are addressed as quickly as possible based on our development team's current workload and the severity of the issue when compared to the severity of other open issues.
I don't know if Toolset has something to do in parallel with Divi for that? Let me know if you need other info.
I let you know if any news on that in the near future.
From our end, it is not planned to adjust the current behaviour as it is, currently.
As mentioned you'd have to suggest to the product management of Toolset https://toolset.com/home/contact-us/suggest-a-new-feature-for-toolset/ so it can be considered as a Request, but Support is limited in giving information here, we generally are not entitled to discuss next releases ETA's or Features to be added.
Both Divi and our Toolset Developers have the means to enter directly in contact with each other if cooperation would be required and corresponding plans take form.
As said, for now, I am not aware of any plans from our end to adjust this and generally, it can only be done, if several users will request this.