This is a issue we are experiencing on many of our sites. We are unable to open posts in edit mode in Elementor without first disabling Views. If we do not disable Views, the post opens with a spinning ball which never goes away, and I am unable to edit the post.
If I first disable Views then the post opens fine, and I can reenable Views and edit and save the post without issue.
All plugins up to date and the issue experienced across multiple sites, but does appear to relate to the complexity of the site or perhaps number of plugins - it is not 100% replicable on all sites running Elementor and Views.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
As you acknowledged the issue is not 100% replicable on all sites running Elementor and Views as well as I do not see any other users reported the same issue recently.
This needs to be debug further and for that I will require a test site where I can see the issue as we do not recommend to debug issue on production sites.
- What if you try to increate the memory by adding following line to code to your wp-config.php file:
Hi Minesh - thanks the memory allocation increase seems to have resolved it for now. Was previously at 256 so perhaps there was a difficulty loading Views and Elementor? I'll keep an eye on it and if it recurs I'll create a staging site for troubleshooting.