Toolset is blurring my images on upload. I have attached 2 before and after images where you can see the image is clear before upload but gets slightly blurred when uploaded to Toolset image custom field.
Here are the urls where the images appear: hidden link hidden link
Toolset doesn't itself do anything to compress images, this comes from WordPress itself.
When you upload an image—the full-sized image—WordPress will automatically generate the other images sizes—both the standard sizes plus any other sizes you or your theme registered—and it applies compression to those generated images.
If you output an image with a Toolset shortcode that is a custom size which is not registered then Types will trigger the generation of a custom-sized image, but again using the standard WordPress functions, so that this would also invoke the compression.
In WordPress 4.5 this compression level was reduced from a default setting of 90 to 82.
It looks like you the code to your functions.php from an article like this one: hidden link
That should prevent the images you upload from being compressed (assuming the code is included in the functions.php of your active theme).
If the code was inactive for some time then the various sized images on your site may have been generated compressed. You could try running the regenerate thumbnails plugin in that case.